OhioMeansJobs Area 16 Business Services

OhioMeansJobs Area 16 actively addresses the needs of our local businesses in Belmont, Carroll, Harrison, and Jefferson Counties. Working with OhioMeansJobs Area 16, employers can create value and save money for their business in addition to providing a significant benefit to our communities.

These resources are free to businesses that include but are not limited to:

  • A source to post your job openings.
  • A source to find qualified applicants for your openings.
  • Labor market information on employment projections, wage estimates, and economic conditions assist you in the development and expansion of your business.
  • A place to interview potential employees.
  • A place to hold job fairs for mass recruitment.
  • Subsidized employment programs and tax creation programs for hiring new employees and upgrading the skills of current employees who meet program requirements.
  • Employee training seminars
    Business seminars.

Businesses can use OhioMeansJobs’ Computer Lab for employee training and other workforce and development needs…

Click the link below for Area 16 Counties Job Centers information 

Connect With County Sites | Workforce Development Area 16 (omj16.com)


Additional Business Services Available

Incumbent Worker Training (IWT)

Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) program offers employers a way to subsidize the cost of training employees in obtaining the skills necessary to retain employment, avert layoffs, and/or increase the employees’ and company’s competitiveness. Our Business Services team at the OMJ center will help you complete paperwork so you can focus on making an investment in your workforce! Funding for IWT is limited and may not be available year-round.

  • IWT is available to all sector industries.
  • Between 50-90% of the cost of training can be subsidized, depending on the size of the employer.
  • Employees must be with the employer for at least 6 months to qualify for IWT.
  • Training programs must award participants an industry-recognized credential at the completion of training.

On-the-Job Training (OJT)

On-the-Job Training (OJT) program offers employers a way to be partially reimbursed for hiring and training job seekers in permanent positions. Job seekers must be assessed for program eligibility by OMJ center staff. The initial contract takes about one week to execute before an employee can begin working. After that, additional employees can be added with a simple training plan. OMJ staff will complete most of the paperwork and will help you with the rest!

Note: Initial contracts take one-two weeks

Tax Incentives

Tax Incentives can help employers offset hiring costs.  OhioMeansJobs.com offers employers access and information on these valuable resources so that their businesses can succeed.

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program (WOTC) are federal tax credits which provide Ohio employers with a tax credit against their federal tax liability for hiring individuals from targeted groups of job seekers such as TANF & SNAP Recipients, Veterans, Ex-Felons, and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Recipients.

Go to How to Participate  for steps on accessing our online application and requesting certification. The employer or agent must apply for, and receive, certification to claim these tax credits. Agents acting on behalf of employers must send us a valid Power of Attorney.

Note: Applications must be submitted to the Ohio WOTC Office within 28 days of the start to work date to meet the timely filing criteria. Don’t miss this tax credit by missing the deadline! 



Businesses Point of Contact

Businesses in Jefferson & Carroll Counties Contact Dan Wilson

Businesses in Belmont & Harrison Counties Contact Neil Polk 

Monthly Virtual Job Fairs & Apprenticeship Contact Bradley Wells

Dan Wilson

Dan Wilson

Workforce Specialist, Office of Workforce Development Ohio Department of Job and Family Services

Steubenville, OH  43952

Cell 740-564-7428

Email address: daniel.wilson@jfs.ohio.gov

Barbie Korba

Account Executive, Office of Workforce Development

Bradley Wells

Bradley Wells

Business Outreach Executive

Workforce Development Area 16
Jefferson County Community Action Council, Inc.
114 North Fourth Street, P.O. Box 130
Steubenville, OH   43952

Cell:  740-512-3382

Email Address: Bradley.Wells@jeffersoncountycac.org